Displaying items by tag: Blog

Tuesday, 29 June 2021 06:30

HTML/CSS Tutorial - Build a Beautiful Blog

If you've ever been curious to learn HTML and CSS but found yourself frustrated along the way, this course is for you. Watch it here or experience the interactive version on Scrimba: https://scrimba.com/g/gbuildablog About the course: I'm Zaydek, and I've built a few websites. In the process, however, I've found myself overwhelmed with the syntax and baggage of HTML and CSS. In this course, I provide a brief introduction to HTML and CSS (hopefully!) without the pain I had to first endure.
If you have questions, comments, or feedback, reach out to me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/username_zaydek
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Published in HTML 5
Complete Responsive Blogger Website Using HTML/CSS In this website, you will understand how to create complete  design with just #html and CSS.
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Published in HTML 5
Sunday, 27 June 2021 21:52

How to Make a Blog - Quick & Easy!

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???????????????????????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ➜ https://websitelearners.com/wordpress...
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So, Let’s get started. Step 1: Choosing a name for your Blog The first step is to choose a name for your blog. So, just enter the blog address in the box and then click check availability. If the name is unavailable, try changing its domain extension to .com .in .net .org Step 2: Getting Domain & Hosting The next step is to register the Blog name and get Hosting. Now, registering gives you ownership and Hosting puts your blog on the internet. For doing this, you need to click “Get Domain and Hosting.” Step 3: Installing a New Theme To install a theme, you need to login back to your blog. So, just add “/login” after your blog address and then press enter. Now, go to appearance and click themes. To get themes go to ➜ https://websitelearners.com/themes/ Step 4: Adding Content to your Blog To complete our blog, we’ll be adding 12 different items. 1) Adding Blog Posts Blog posts are simply the articles that you post to your blog. So, to add your first post: Go to your blog and then go to new and click post. 2) Changing the Blog Title To change the blog title, just go to Customize and click Site Identity. 3) Creating Menu Go to Customize again and then click Menu. Now create a new menu and then choose the location. You can also add pages to the menu like the About and Contact page. 4) Adding Category Pages to the Menu Small tags in blog posts are the categories. To add it to the menu, you need to create them first. So, go to a blog post and then add a new category. Once, it's created you can then add them to the menu. 5) Adding content to the About Page An about page is important because it tells the readers about you. So to add that, just go to the About Page & click Edit. 6) Adding Contact Form A contact form helps your readers to get in touch with you. To add a contact form, you need to install a plugin. Now, a plugin helps you to add new features to your blog. Plugin: Contact Form 7 7) Adding Social Sharing Buttons (Below all the Blog Posts) These buttons will make it easy for your readers to share the articles. Plugin: Social Share by Danny 8) Adding Social Media Links (In the Menu) Note: This feature is only for Shamrock theme. These links help your readers to find you on social media sites. So, to add this, click customize and then create a new menu for social media links. 9) Adding About the Author Section (Below all the Blog Posts) This section will help your readers to know about the person who wrote the article. So, to add that, you need to go to your Dashboard. And then go to users and update your profile. 10) Adding About Me Section (On the Sidebar) Install a plugin called Meks Smart Author Widget. Once it's activated, you need to go to appearance and then click Widgets. A Widget page is where you can add/remove small functions in your blog. Now, find the Meks Smart Author Widget and then drag & drop it to the post sidebar. 11) Adding Social Media Links (On the Sidebar) Install a plugin called Meks Smart Social Widget. Once, it's activated, just go to widgets and then add the smart social widget to the sidebar. 12) Adding Read More Section (On the Sidebar) Note: This section is only for the Shamrock theme. Read More section helps your readers to continue reading more of your articles. So, to add this: Go to your Widget Page and then drag & drop the Shamrock posts widget into the sidebar. This is how you can create a fully functional blog in just a few mins. Share this video with your friends and also to watch more videos from us, subscribe to Website Learners.

Published in WordPress
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In this video you will learn how to build a custom news page or blog page for your wordpress website using Elementor free and Premium Addons plugin (free) For any questions, please visit https://wordpresspioneers.com and we will make a video for your queries. We will post that video on top of our website along with your name and question.
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Published in WordPress
Friday, 18 June 2021 17:46

How to Build a Blog with Laravel

This is our first application tutorial from Start to Finish. We will leave nothing out, and help you build a blog application running on Laravel 5 framework and powered by PHP. This series will focus on being very detailed and walking you through the learning process slowly but very thoroughly. Next Video [Part 2]:
Detailed Written Tutorial is available on my website: [LINK TO WEBSITE] Why Build a Blog App? As our first tutorial, a blog app is perfect because we all know what is involved in making a blog: we need posts with timestamps, titles, content, tags, etc and comments related to posts. It is a nice clear setup that everyone can easily understand and as a whole, it never really gets into anything too complicated throughout the tutorial series meaning you can learn without getting too frustrated. ------ Blog, app, application, Laravel, File structure, Laravel 5, tutorial, best, tutorials, how to, PHP, Mac, Windows, Easy, code, tut, part 1, install, write, jacurtis, guide.
Published in Laravel
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Wordpress, GraphQL, and Next.js....oh my!! Did you know you can use Wordpress as a Headless CMS for your Jamstack applications? Wordpress often gets a bad reputation in modern Web Development, but it still plays a major role in the Web ecosystem. With the WPGraphQL plugin, you can use your Wordpress instance as a Headless CMS and access your data in Next.js using GraphQL. Host Wordpress with Hostinger. EXCLUSIVE COUPON (90% off) - https://www.hostinger.com/james Wordpress + Nextjs Starter - https://github.com/colbyfayock/next-w... Colby Fayock YouTube (Community Shoutout) - https://youtube.com/channel/UC7Wpv0Af...
Published in WordPress
Saturday, 29 May 2021 20:50

Django Project - Simple Blog App

This is a beginners Django and Python project - building a simple blog app.
If you need to setup your environment similar to what is demonstrated in this tutorial please go ahead and first following the Installing Python, the virtual environment and Django tutorial:
Published in Python
How to Make Membership Newspaper Website & Magazine Blog with WordPress - Ultimate Membership Pro 2021
Published in WordPress
Friday, 22 January 2021 14:42

Building a basic blog with Drupal 7



Published in Drupal
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Tuesday, 15 December 2020 16:42

Build a REST API using Yii2 PHP Framework

In this video, we will build a REST API using Yii2 PHP framework. If you do not have experience previously working on Yii2 framework, I recommend to check out my "Yii2 Crash course" video before watching this video:
In this video, we are going to build a blog engine REST API using Yii2 PHP framework. We are going to interact with 2 resources: posts and comments. We will see how to create endpoints to get, create, update or delete posts and comments. We will see how to paginate and sort. We will learn how to enable authentication and authorization so that only authenticated users will be able to create, update or delete posts and comments and we will also see how to restrict access to particular posts so that only owner of the post or comment will be able to update or delete.
Published in Yii2 PHP Framework
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