Displaying items by tag: Theme

Darrel Wilson 

Free Domain With Siteground:


300+ Elementor Templates:


In this video, we're going to show you the 10 best free WordPress themes for the year 2023. We've selected themes that will help you create a website in a fraction of the time and with far fewer headaches!

Best Wordpress Themes ( They Dont Really Come In Any Specific Order)

1. Spectra One: https://wordpress.org/themes/spectra-... https://www.darrelwilson.com/spectra

2. Ohio Theme: https://www.darrelwilson.com/ohio

3. Phlox Theme: https://wordpress.org/themes/phlox/ PRO: https://www.darrelwilson.com/phlox

4. Astra Theme: https://www.darrelwilson.com/astra (Code darrel10 gives 10% OFF)

5. Rishi Theme: https://darrelwilson.com/rishi 6.Essentials Theme: https://www.darrelwilson.com/essentials

7. Divi Theme: https://www.darrelwilson.com/divi

8. Hello Elementor + Brizy: https://wordpress.org/themes/hello-el... https://www.darrelwilson.com/brizy

9. Blocksy Theme: https://www.darrelwilson.com/blocksy (Code darrel10 gives 10% OFF)

10. Royal Elementor Kit: https://wordpress.org/themes/royal-el... Or upgrade: https://darrelwilson.com/royal-elementor


????????Important Links Our Elementor Pro Templates: https://darrelwilson.com/product-cate...

My Kopi Coffee Website: https://www.kopicoffee.com

Our Pinterest With Design Templates:   / officialdarrelwilson  

Connect with me on Twitter:   / darrelwilsonyt  

My Facebook Page:   / darrelwilson03  

Join Our WP Social Network: https://wpfriends.com

Visit My Website at https://www.darrelwilson.com

Published in WordPress
Monday, 16 October 2023 16:20

Astra Theme Quick Start Guide - v4.0 - 2023

New Astra user? Then the Astra Theme Quick Start Guide is what you need : https://wpastra.com #wpastra #wordpress #brainstormforce

Products mentioned in the video:

???? Astra: https://wpastra.com

???? Starter Templates: https://wpastra.com/updates/starter-t...

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???? We are hiring across multiple positions: https://brainstormforce.com/join/


Published in WordPress

HOW TO BUILD AN ASTRA WEBSITE FOR BEGINNERS 2023 This how to create an Astra Website for Beginners 2023 course covers the astra free theme and the astra pro theme also know as astra agency. With over 1,000,000 install AstraWP has proven to be the #1 wordpress theme. With this step by step Astra Tutorial, it could not be eaiser to make an astra website using the astra starter sites. This astra theme tutorial shows you how to use the astra starter sites plugin to install free astra starter templates as well as astra pro theme templates. The astra free theme is amazing, but there are times when the astra pro theme can provide an astra agency starter site that is exactly what you or your client needs at a very affordable price. This astra theme review and astra theme demo is a totally free astra theme tutorial for those on a budget


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* Host Link: http://hostgator.com/webyoda

Coupon : webyoda (Up to 80% off) * You save money, I get a commission :-)

Published in WordPress
WordPress 5.8 is around the corner. In this video, we'll discuss what's new about it. Read the blog post:
WordPress Classic Widgets Plugin - https://wordpress.org/plugins/classic...
✅ ???????????????? Here are some of our recommended products ???????????????? ✅✅
✅ Astra - The Most Popular WordPress Theme ???????? https://bsf.io/astra/
✅ Schema Pro - Add Schema To Your Website ???????? https://bsf.io/schemapro/
✅ Ultimate Addons for Elementor ???????? https://bsf.io/ultimateelementor/
✅ Ultimate Addons for Beaver Builder ???????? https://bsf.io/ultimatebeaver/
✅ Convert Pro - Convert Visitors to Subscribers ???????? https://bsf.io/convertpro/
✅ WP Portfolio - Showcase Your Work ???????? https://bsf.io/wpportfolio/
Published in WordPress
Tagged under
Wednesday, 16 June 2021 15:29

WordPress Theme Development - 2021

Updated video on getting started with WordPress Development:
My new advanced WordPress course: https://www.udemy.com/course/become-a...
My new beginner WordPress course: https://www.udemy.com/wordpress-for-b...
This is the beginning of a series on WordPress. In this initial lesson we learn what WordPress is, why it's useful,
and get a feel for what we'll learn in upcoming lessons (admin screens, custom theme development). Watch the full playlist for this WordPress series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
To view a complete list of the WordPress lessons in sequential order visit: http://learnwebcode.com/learn-wordpress/
Sign up for my newsletter to receive periodic webDev tips, tricks, resources and coupons.
Join the list at http://learnwebcode.com/
Follow LearnWebCode on Twitter for resources and updates: https://twitter.com/learnwebcode
Published in WordPress
Find the Top 10 Best Woocommerce themes for Wordpress for your eCommerce website in 2021! Recommended Hosting For WooCommerce Themes
Published in WordPress
Get GeneratePress & see importable demo sites here: https://www.portableentrepreneur.com/... | See step-by-step how to build a super fast WordPress website with no coding using GeneratePress. In this GeneratePress theme tutorial, watch as we build an actual website and see how this site scores a 99/100 on Google's PageSpeed Insights Test. GeneratePress: https://www.portableentrepreneur.com/...
Published in WordPress
In this very detailed comparison, I show Astra vs Kadence and let you know which WordPress theme is better, faster, and which has the best value using real-world tests. ???? Full blog post: https://startblogging101.com/astra-vs...
Published in WordPress
This theme can do things premium themes even can't do. And it is totally free! In this video, I will show you step by step how you can configure this theme. With this theme, you can customize the header, add items to any place in the header. For instance: Above the main area, below the main area. Left, right, center. You can configure every item and every row. You can create a transparent and a sticky header and decide on which page it should be applied. There are global colors, so if you change those, the whole look and feel of your website can change. It will save you a ton of time when you want to change a color. It is crazy what you can do with this amazing theme!
Published in WordPress
Searching for the best WordPress theme that is also free of charge? Here in this Kadence Theme tutorial, you will learn how to build websites faster and better than ever before. Download https://www.wpcrafter.com/kadence
Published in WordPress
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