Q. What are the advantages of MySQL as compared with Oracle DB? Some of the main advantages of MySQL over Oracle DB are as follows:
I. Cost: MySQL is an Open Source and free RDBMS software. Oracle is usually a paid option for RDBMS.
II. Space: MySQL uses around 1 MB to run whereas Oracle may need as high as 128 MB to run the database server.
III. Flexibility: MySQL can be used to run a small website as well as very large scale systems. Oracle is generally used in medium to large scale systems.
IV. Management: In MySQL, database administration is much easier due to self-management features like- automatic space expansion, auto-restart and dynamic configuration changes. In Oracle dedicated DBA has to work on managing the Database.
V. Portable: MySQL is easily portable to different hardware and operating system. Migrating Oracle from one platform to another is a tougher task. Learn more MySQL interview questions,
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