This is the last article on Online Education. I will underline some important areas that you must investigate if you want to run an Online School. The best Tip on building an LMS is to be always a student of your area of expertise, you must work hard and you have to know it.
The most popular free LMS is MOODLE. It can be integrated with WordPress via Bridge software. Here are the links:
other Tips on Building an LMS are:
others tips on building an LMS are:
So I wish all the future owners of Online Schools all the best in their efforts to create great sites.
Demo WordPress Installations (there are few LMS installations full of Tips):
During my research for budget Learning Management Systems. I found and many other alternatives budget or not plugins or extensions of a CMS (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal). Also, there is CodeIgniter (CI), a PHP Framework used in the western world for Educational or Public Sectors' applications. There are few of CI apps, I 've chosen the Academy Budget LMS.
In the first article Part I, I 've spoken about:
Budget LMS solutions. In this second article Part II, I will speak about Drupal and CodeIgniter Budget LMS solutions. Also in the end I'll provide a retired WordPress Budget LMS, so If someone wants can write o fork, it is the famous CoursePress Pro, and two articles for WordPress and Joomla LMS'.
Some people create their own LMS' (Learning Management Systems), by configuring the CMS with many different plugins. It is up to you, many choices, many different solutions for a Budget LMS.
From the article follow the link
These might help your LMS selection
LMS (learning management system)
Open Academy
Opigno LMS
Comparison of these 3 distributions
ELMS Group
In the Drupal ecosystem, some people create their own LMS.
CodeIgniter is a very popular Php Frameworks for Education. If you follow the link, you can see many alternatives in For me, the best is the Academy LMS.
c)An article for Badget or not LMS' (just click the ilink):
Make your own fork: CoursePress ProUpdate: As of May 2019, this plugin has been retired and is no longer supported by WPMUDev. They have published the code on Github for those technical types who might want to fork and maintain it for their needs. |
How to offer? It depends on the type of Education. If it is about Programming, it is a practical material you must preset practical info. If it is about another topic you may use PowePoint and speak as you speak to one of your friends. You may have music or not, you may have short or big paragraphs or videos or audio. After the article about some budget LMS's, I'd like, in this article, to give some info on how we must deliver Online Education.
Also, read this article with Tips On Creating An Online School
You can validate the demand of the content by Google (keyword search), or on how many students are following the course in Udemy, e. t.c. There are a lot of services performing SEO research, and you can learn what people want and where. In general, you must solve problems with online education and you must help the people.
First I 'm going to give info about a school (between others) that gives lessons on how to deliver:
ACS Online School follows the link. In principle is a good school to learn how to teach, if you are not a tutor.
Education Courses follow the link
Course on Delivering Distance Education follow the link
There are also a lot of good courses in many other places. I just want to mention the course from Udemy
of Phil Ediner, it is really excellent.
Closing the article, I add this link on Communication Skills
For a few months, I have researched the market, in order to find a budget LMS. So below are the results of my study. There are LMS like Moodle who are free. And also LMS' that are extensions or plugins to popular CMS' like WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal. In this article, I 'll provide info about Moodle, Joomla, and WordPress Budget LMS'.
Go for moodle If you want to teach and not for a paid course, you can receive payments with a plugin (I think Paypal), if you want a budget LMS the easiest is to go with WordPress.
But If you already have Moodle and you want to make better the way of payment you must use WordPress or even Joomla. With WordPress, there are some solutions, the most used is the Edwiser Bridge. See the below video:
Sp LMS follow the link
It has not a cart is good for paid memberships site, and is ok. Our site is built on this plugin:
OScampus doc follow the link
It follows the article for Best Joomla LMS'
Are LearnPress and WPLMS (for a lot of people the second has better support)
For WPLMS Themeforest online market follow the link For WPLMS home follow the link
For WPLMS see
For Learnpress follow the link: For Learnpress home follow the link
It follows the article for Best WordPress LMS'
Do not forget to see Part II of Budget LMS'
Table of Contents:
CodeIgniter is a PHP framework, it is good for a small team of programmers (1-2) and you can write very fast applications. Another popular framework is Laravel. There is a special way/pattern to write code the MVC. This article explains the implementation of MVC in CodeIgniter. CodeIgniter is used a lot in countries like India, Indonesia, and this area. In the western world is used for educational projects. The implementation of MVC in CodeIgniter is easy and good for a newbie to understand.
It is a PHP Framework that people use for Educational Apps. A Framework has commands that are a summary of more commands in Vanilla PHP.
It is a pattern that we use in order to manipulate data in some languages like Java, Javascript, PHP e.t.c and it used from some PHP Frameworks like Codeigniter, Laravel e.t.c. MVC it separates the logic layer from the presentation layer.
a) Controller (who is doing the management)
b) View (who presents the data)
c) Model (who speaks with the database, in our case MySQL, and fetches the info).
How MVC works:
The browser speaks with the controller.
Then the Controller looks at the Cache if the info exists. If YES controller uses the View to present it ( HTML + CSS + Bootstrap +JS)
If info does not exist, then Controller speaks with Model, Model with Database and returns the info to Controller, the Controller uses the View to present the info to Browser and updates the cache.
In CodeIgniter, we also use Helpers, Libraries, and all the staff that this framework has. For example, we first must load the Database in order to use it with the specific command or by editing the autoload script.
There are a lot of types of languages
At the very beginning of my studies, we were writing assembly language which is a low-level language. (around 1983)
We were using COBOL, which is a human-like programming language, after the appearance of Databases, like Oracle, we were able to write in PRO*COBOL. The last speak with databases.
We have a language with Compiler, he creates assembly from the language. For example from C human writer source, we create an assembly file, this file is our binary program.
We have a language with Interpreter, he is the layer that makes the source, human-written code, to communicate with the computer. Languages with an interpreter are Java, PHP,
We have 4th generation languages, that are with Forms & Reports GUI and sit on the top of o Database like Oracle.
After the explosion of WEB, we have languages, frameworks and CMS's
Drupal is the less popular is more difficult but has the best reputation, the below are it is main characteristics to learn it demands more time and effort, but if you love it to do it. If not it is ok. In the article, I include the 19 main characteristics of Drupal, of course, it has more elements but you can read articles, see videos buy books, and course. If you want to learn about Drupal and its man characteristics you must read and play with it.
--- little difficult
--- less popular (3,4 % CMS market)
--- Free
--- most secure
more main characteristics are:
--- Includes Cache functionality
-- includes post types
---includes forum
--- proper for big scale projects
more characteristics of Drupal are:
--- written in PHP, HTML, CSS, JS
--- templates using Bootstrap
--- it has less of free Plugins & Templates
--- it is using for every theme part a copy of the base theme file with the new modifications
–- it uses SEO URLs
–- it is light (faster)
more characteristics of Drupal are:
-– it includes SEO functionality , Optimization & Security to edit .htaccess
--- less community support (since is less popular)
-- Mobile-friendly (characteristic of Drupal)
-- Blogging
-- Ecommerce
Joomla is less popular compared with WordPress, and a little difficult. In this article are the main Characteristics of Joomla, maybe to be more. This is a fast picture of this CMS. It has less support but you can find whatever you need. On the other hand, Drupal is still more difficult from the three. Joomla has its characteristics as every CMS. It is a matter of choice, every CMS has friends, and at the end of the day, the important is to have done your work with love, because love gives quality. I am using Joomla for this site. So follow the Characteristics of Joomla in a list format.
-- less easy
some other characteristics of Joomla are:
--- popular (5,2% CMS market)
--- Free
--- Secure
--- Includes Cache functionality
--- proper for communities
some other characteristics of Joomla are:
--- written in PHP, HTML, CSS, JS (it uses MVC model)
--- templates using Bootstrap or other Frameworks of CSS
--- it has less of free Plugins & Templates
--- it uses Overwrites for local template customization (so that to not overwritten from update)
–- it uses URL configuration to create SEO URLs
some other characteristics of Joomla are:
-– it includes SEO functionality , Optimization & Security to edit .htaccess
–- Only 3% of sites hacked (2018)
--- less community support
-- mobile-friendly
-- for webshops
-- Learning Management Systems (like our site)
-- and more
This article includes the main Characteristics of WordPress. I publish 19 Characteristics but are more. The question is what is WP and why use it and what are its characteristics? What makes it so popular? What are its main elements? WordPress is the most popular CMS. Some of the main characteristics if a CMS are: a system that we are able to change very fast the info position, the template, to add or remove plugins (prebuild blocks of code), to develop and finish very fast the web application. A CMS is a fast solution and especially WP is very good for one Developed. easy to learn and maintain, wit a lot of FREE plugins, Themes, and very big Community support.
The 19 Most Important Characteristics of WordPress are listed below:
--- Free & -- 60% of market
--- Easy to learn and maintain
--- Secure (third party plugins have bugs)
--- Needs Cache plugins
--- proper for blogs
--- a maximum number of users 38,000
--- written in PHP, HTML, CSS, JS (uses the MVC model in the creation of widget),
some more WordPress characteristics are
--- most PHP code is Procedular and its own framework programming language
--- templates using Bootstrap or other Frameworks of CSS
-- new editor + Use React JS
some more Characteristics are:
--- it has a lot of free Plugins & Templates
--- it uses Child Themes for local template customization (so that to not overwritten from update)
some other main Characteristics of WordPress are:
-- it uses permalinks for SEO optimization + plugins
– --it is light (fast)
--- it is needed for SEO, Optimization & Security to edit .htaccess
some more Characteristics are:
--- It has more than 80% sites hacked every year (not updated sites and bad plugins)
--- big community support
--- mobile-friendly
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