Displaying items by tag: REST API Yii2 PHP Framework

Tuesday, 15 December 2020 16:42

Build a REST API using Yii2 PHP Framework

In this video, we will build a REST API using Yii2 PHP framework. If you do not have experience previously working on Yii2 framework, I recommend to check out my "Yii2 Crash course" video before watching this video:
In this video, we are going to build a blog engine REST API using Yii2 PHP framework. We are going to interact with 2 resources: posts and comments. We will see how to create endpoints to get, create, update or delete posts and comments. We will see how to paginate and sort. We will learn how to enable authentication and authorization so that only authenticated users will be able to create, update or delete posts and comments and we will also see how to restrict access to particular posts so that only owner of the post or comment will be able to update or delete.
Published in Yii2 PHP Framework

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