Tuesday, 08 September 2020 15:03

Mobile Apps Made Easy: Using HTML and Drupal 8 to create your app

Elias Katsaniotis,MSc

Bay Area Drupal Camp

Creating a rich mobile app doesn't require learning complicated languages or understanding how to "compile" software. It's possible using tools you already know: HTML, Javascript, CSS and a CMS for a content repository. This session will explain how you can use Drupal 8, Apache Cordova, and the Ionic Framework to rapidly build and release your mobile app. In under an hour, we’ll walk through the background concepts required to go from web developer to mobile developer, and take you through the development cycle of a sample app. https://2015.badcamp.net/session/mobi...

Tuesday, 08 September 2020 14:57

When to NOT use Drupal

Elias Katsaniotis,MSc

Travis Tidwell

In this presentation, I discuss the difficult topic of when to NOT use Drupal. Many times, you hear people say "Yeah, Drupal can do that!". My challenge to people is to instead force yourself to say "Yeah, Drupal SHOULD do that!" and mean it. This presentation discusses when you SHOULD and SHOULD not use Drupal.

Tuesday, 08 September 2020 14:54

Making Drupal Friendly for Editors and Clients

Elias Katsaniotis,MSc

Bay Area Drupal Camp

Jim Vomero Drupal’s extensibility allow us to create the perfect CMS for our organizations. But too often the same level of design is not considered when building out the editorial interfaces. The default tools are often scary for first-time Drupalers and include confusing words like ‘nodes’, ‘taxonomy’, and ‘blocks’. Making Drupal friendly for clients means checking internal jargon at the door and building interfaces that are intuitive and distraction free. Topics include: Creating personalized dashboards for authors and editors; Modifying the entity add and edit forms; Adding contextual help to administrative interfaces; Using constraints to provide meaningful form validation; and Choosing field, widget, and storage types that are best fit our content. This sessions is for attendees in site-building and technical leadership roles. Participants should leave this session with ideas for: taming their content forms, building out useful content dashboards, and enhancing their editorial workflows. Programming knowledge is not required, however example code and links to developer resources will be shared to highlight features of Drupals Core APIs; Views, Field UI, and Contributed modules; and custom code for taking control of your theme and admin interfaces. https://2019.badcamp.org/session/maki...
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