Component Creator helps you generate fully functional, ready to install, custom Joomla components in no time. Component Creator takes all the tedious work out of Joomla development, giving you more time to focus on the stuff that matters by offering a scaffolding tool for Joomla developers that eliminates the repetitive work of creating the structure of a component. - See more at:
This session focuses on the best practices for creating a Joomla 3.x series component. We will take advantage of using new features like auto-loading, and namespacing to create a component. This is an intermediate topic. Sprecher David Hurley
by Nicholas Dionysopoulos I couldn't think of an original name for this session so I thought I would just steal the name of the best Joomla presentation ever in the hope that you will find it just as revealing.
By Jesse Reitsma While programming Joomla! extensions is often discussed, often only a few words are being used when describing Joomla! plugins. Plugins deserve much more. They allow you as developer to apply a whole range of changes to Joomla!, without the need of writing a full blown extension: Modifying JForm forms; custom redirects; HTML fixes; the list is endless. This talk sums up all the options.
Take a hands-on journey into the world of Ajax in Joomla. Learn about what the Joomla Ajax Interface is, now part of Joomla core as of version 3.2, and explore the ease of creating a stand alone Ajax module for Joomla 3.
From Joomlashack
From Joomla!
V. Katsanioti,
Kaliningrad Oblast.
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