Want to create an eCommerce store and make money online? Check out my Step-By-Step WooCommerce Tutorial 2020! Get a Download the Follow Along Images: https://drive.google.com/uc?export=do...
In this video we will build a responsive Grid CSS layout using grid template areas. We will also be using other modern CSS features and techniques like css variables, rem units and flexbox. CODE: https://codepen.io/bradtraversy/pen/g...
In this video we will look at the new CSS Grid layout and how to create grid based layouts and alignments. We will look at properties for containers and items. CODE: Code for this tutorial http://www.traversymedia.com/download...
Are you sick of listening to how people use paragraphs, yet? Do you wish Paragraphs would just go away? Well, then this talk is not for you. Paragraphs offer the most visual flexibility for the client and the most design-system control for the development team. If you haven't yet been convinced, this talk just might make you a believer, too. This talk will review a recent project with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of RI, where the Oomph team employed a component-based system of paragraphs inside paragraphs for ultimate design and content control. We'll keep the talk at a fairly high level and illustrate how a well-designed system can make authors, designers, and developers happy. And it doesn't have to be complicated. The system we put in place took less than 10 weeks to design, configure, implement, test, train and launch. Real life examples, quick admin demo, and ways in which your team can get started quickly with component-based Paragraph themeing. . Speaker: J. Hogue https://nedcamp.org/sessions/2018/com...
GitHub Public APIs https://github.com/public-apis/public...
In this project we will build a React multi step form with multiple componenets including user & personal details, confirmation and success. We will use Material UI as well Code: https://github.com/bradtraversy/react...
In this episode, we welcomed Johan from Joomlatools.com. Johan is a Joomla co-founder and one of the very best developers in the community. He now builds extensions at Joomlatools. Johan joins us to talk about his new innovation, "Joomlatools Pages". This is an easy-to-use page generator for Joomla.
V. Katsanioti,
Kaliningrad Oblast.
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